Sunday, May 4, 2008

American Idol Top 5 Show - Mentor; Neil Diamond

Erm.. Sik sempat nak update pasal the TOP 5 Show cuz I went back to my hometown for the last few days. Now, Im back to work. Doing the same thing.. every day and probably for the rest of my life..Hahaha..

Lets cut to the chase here, just so you know.. It was a great show that nite and Neil Diamond was the mentor for the Top 5 contestant of American Idol Season 7. I'll give you my opinions for every contestant after this picture.

Neil Diamond with the Top 5

Jason really is distinctive with his style in singing, but I think he didn’t even thought of being spectacular this week… For me, bolehlah...

With the Neil Diamond week… I think everyone should go, except for David Cook! He’s looking more glamorous each week. He can go on a world tour doing all the songs he sang in AI! You are doing a Fine job there Mr Cook!! I'll always support you....chehhh Aok ajaklah...

Syesha, her voice is wonderful. Yeah she can belt it out but there’s not much power to convince anyone who knows about singing that she’s one of a kind. But still, ku rasa nya patut pegi ke final.... as one of my friends adores her voice...menar sik Napi?? Ku tauk kominat nya bah...

Brooke is Brooke… (hehe apa reti?) Her vocal range is just as that… uhmmm… yeah… 1st song really was a nightmare… the 2nd… was quite good… that’s the best she can do with it… as always she appears to be sincere in every song. Too bad we wont be able to see her next week. She got eliminated. Cukuplah takat ya.. haha. Tapi...mukanya sweet owh....ehehe.. suka ku nangga..

David Archuleta, if you had a very long day and you sit on a couch, turn on the television… and catch David performing a quite up beat song… it’ll remind you about a singing chorale who never sounded as a group. He’s like eating all the lyrics and singing to himself… he’s a good singer doing ballad… but hey… in this department, Brooke and Jason sounds so better! I got so bored listening to him olady lah! Haha..sik tauklah kenak.. Sorry to Mr Archuleta's Fan...

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