Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Truth Hurts Really Bad

Nak madah apa pasal tajuk kali tok. Well..sometimes kebenaran menyakitkan and sukar untuk diterima. Hari marek aku tauk pasal something.. It makes me sad whenever I think about it. Thankz to a friend of mine yang menyedarkan aku dari mimpi dan angan-angan aku yang mungkin sik akan terjadi. Tapi its a lie mun aku madah aku sik menyimpan apa-apa harapan lagik. Yeah I admit aku masih nyimpan harapan about perkara tok... Entahlah, aku waktu tok confuse gilak nak pikir about the options and consequences... waktu tok aku nangga dari jauh dolok lah... Maksud aku.. Aku diam dolok and nangga "flow" nya macam ney...

Mun waktu macam tok biasanya aku akan surf the net and look for lyrics or downloading songs. But this time, aku carik poem pulak!! Pelik lah aku.. haha..

So wanna share with you guys a poem that relates kepada apa yang berlaku ngan aku kinek tok. When I read this poem, I find myself thinking of the love I used to have and how much I was being adored. Now I find myself alone with regrets. The person I love the most, doesn't love me back. Sometimes how we feel is not appreciated and this poem describes the feeling one is left with after rejection. This poem said it all...

Aduhszzz....!! Macam-macam jak life tok. Sikpalah, yang penting ada family and friends to support us from behind. Life has to go on. I do think that things will get better, eventually!!

Hope kitak orang dapat menyelami erti poem toklah...

Entrapment by Christopher

Hopelessly bound
by the chains of love's grip
- greatest gift,
fate's cruelest curse.
Wherefore do I weep
at knowing the joy,
the warmth,
at feeling the peace,
the fire.
Wherefore do I weep
unable to complete,
to be,
unknown the kiss,
the flames.
Wherefore do I weep
at loving not living
seeing not touching
breathing not sharing
holding not loving?
because I,
The Fool,
am no more?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

aok.. kacak poem ya. sangat dapat difahami. hehe~